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Dry Needling 

Functional Integrated Dry Needling (FIDN) process is a neurophysiological evidence based treatment which is based on the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the human body

Dry Needling involves the insertion of a thin stainless steel needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissue; muscular trigger points,  fascial adhesive areas, tendons & ligaments

Both Beth and Laura studied with Dr Mihir Somaiya, founder of FIDN and Doctorate of Physiotherapy and continue to follow his work.


Cupping therapy

By creating negative pressure above the surface of the tissues, we allow the surface tissue to be lifted upwards and changing the pressure on underlying tissues, such as nerves, capillaries and fascia.

Mulligans Belt 

Designed to reduce pain and improve  range of motion the Mulligan technique involves Natural Apophyseal Glides (NAGS), Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAGS) and Mobilisation with Movement (MWM) for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.

The mulligans belt is used to stabilise either above of below the  area of the body aiming to mobilise 


Percussion Therapy 

Using the 'Hypervolt' by Hyperice, percussion therapy allows improved circulation, range of movement and relieves muscle soreness/tightness at the press of a button

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology tape lifts the skin up from the tissues below and depending on the application of the tape, causes compression or decompression of the area and changes the signals being sent to the brain

The tape can be used to either inhibit overactive muscles or excite weaker muscles

This type of taping still allows full range of movement


Sports/Deep Tissue Massage

Sports & Deep Tissue Massage releases muscle tension and restores balance to your musculoskeletal system, reducing strain and discomfort and encouraging the body to heal and repair any injuries sustained.

Exercise Prescription

The leading exercise prescription tool!

Rehab my patient allows specially tailored exercise programmes with HD videos and pictures to be sent directly to the client. Step by step instructions ensures exercises are performed correctly 

Rehab My Patient can be accessed online or via an app


Spinal Mobilisation 

Using the Maitland Concept with passive and accessory mobilisations of the spine to treat mechanical pain and stiffness.

By reducing stiffness at each spinal segment it helps to improve available range of movement

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release aims to reduce tension in the fascia. Application of gentle sustained pressure on the connective tissue restrictions helps to eliminate pain and improve movement



Traction composes of manual ‘stretching’ of the spine which then in turn reduces pressure on the discs and assists with decreasing  the individual’s pain. 

IASTM with Rockblades

IASTM (Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation) mobilises Myofascial restrictions and stimulates connective tissue remodelling to increase range of movement, decreased pain, promoting normal function

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